
Sunday, February 21, 2010

A Little Spring

A Little Spring, originally uploaded by jenib320.
A sunny, 45 degree day made me buy this pretty little primrose. I can't wait for Spring! We still have a lot more winter left here in Cleveland unfortunately!

Thrifted, originally uploaded by jenib320.
Found a few more pieces in this beautiful pattern! Just cups this time. I dream of finding a whole set, that would be great!

Navy Bean Soup, originally uploaded by jenib320.
This was soup week. I made Navy Bean soup today and it turned out great! I typed up the recipe here.

Cauliflower Soup, originally uploaded by jenib320.
I made this great Cauliflower Soup earlier in the week. It tastes a lot like the Baked Potato soup from Panera Bread! :)

Sneak Peek for Ellen, originally uploaded by jenib320.
Finished another block for the 3x6 Mini Bee. Four blocks down, two more to go!

Starting tomorrow I am going to be following Rachel and Joslyn's leads and go on a Shopping Hiatus. I am going to be doing this through the end of the semester. I'm just going to outline here the guidelines I'm setting for myself, based loosely on those set by Rachel.

1. Grocery Shopping - Will still be buying food of course, but am going to try to cut back on processed foods and ready-to-eat meals.

2. Gas - I still need to get to school but this will probably go down as I will be going out shopping less!

3. Thrifting - Some thrifting is okay, but I want to keep this to things I really can't say no to!

4. Eating Out / Take Out - As a college student it is hard to cut this out completely so I'd like to cut it to once a week.

5. Sewing / Quilting - No fabric purchases. Purchases for absolutely needed supplies is okay (thread, batting, needles).

I think that's it for now. I may try to update on my progress here to help keep me honest and motivated! :)

Today I love the..
Smell of: Soup
Sound of: Spongebob
Taste of: Brownies
Sight of: A sunny day!
Feel of: George

Good Things about Today:
- Pretty flowers!
- It was warm and sunny!
- A clean kitchen.


  1. Ellen's block looks so cute! And I love those little thrifted cups. A very cute pattern.

  2. so, at some point last year i decided i didn't want to be a consumer anymore (i should blog about this...). so, i stick to the grocery store and the goodwill in a week. i avoid stores that make me want to purchases...these would be costco, target, any clothing store, etc. i allow myself to get my shopping fix every sunday at goodwill. i buy all our clothes there with the exception of shoes and jeans. i will spurge on those since i save on all else. now, of course there are times i venture out to regular stores. but not unless i need something. and i try to stick to my list of needs only. it helps so much. when i avoid the stores that are full of the things i love to buy, i don't really notice what i'm missing.
    good luck!


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