
Thursday, March 25, 2010


Favorites, originally uploaded by jenib320.
1. zigzig, 2. Melmac, 3. { patchwork pouch }, 4. the artichoke, 5. 3x6 bee, 6. spring released, 7. Two pinhwheels in a pod!, 8. Bunny says HAPPY SPRING, 9. Mirror Image Quilt 010
Every week I go through my favorite photos on Flickr, and choose nine sewing/quilting related projects to showcase here. These photos and projects are not my own, you can find the original images and creators by clicking the coordinating links! If for any reason you do not want your project featured here, please email me and I'll remove it!

Happy Friday!


  1. is that little george in that pyrex bowl? so adorable. the bunny, that is. but the bowl is pretty awesome, as well!
    that quilt in the top right corner has my eye, and now my wheels are turning...

  2. my mom gave me a little pyrex like the one here, but i'm scared to use it or have it accessible to kids! i think i'll try finding some at the thrift stores like you do. maybe then i won't feel too bad if they have accidents.

    i love the idea of the mini quilt as a pyrex protector!

    sorry the bee block took so long!

  3. Oh my gosh! That bunny in the bowl is killing me it's so cute!!


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