
Saturday, June 19, 2010


Strawberries, originally uploaded by jenib320.
Did a little strawberry picking this morning! Unforunately the field was pretty picked over so we only got 1 quart. We're hoping next weekend we can get some more. They're a little tart but still so much better than store-bought!

Hope Valley, originally uploaded by jenib320.
Finally finished the top and backing for the Hope Valley Quilt. The top was done, but then there was a hiccup. When I was making the top I ran out of the beige fabric. I went to pick up some more but accidently got a very slightly different color. I didn't notice this until it was sewn together. So I had to go back and get the right color, rip out to two pieces that were wrong, and fix it. Gahh! I've done a lot of seam ripping on this quilt, but I think in the end it will be worth it. I'm pretty happy with the back as well. I'm basting it tonight here at home and than hopefully I'll start quilting it sometime this week. I'm still not sure how I want to quilt it.. :)

A little shopping, originally uploaded by jenib320.
A little shopping today! Found some more of this fat quarter at Walmart and picked up some thread with my coupons! You can never have too much white thread!

Today I love the..
Smell of: Strawberry field
Sound of: Harry Potter Audiobook
Taste of: Strawberries
Sight of: Finished quilt top
Feel of: Warm clothes from the dryer

Good Things about Today:
- Managed to have a productive day!
- Ran all the errands I needed to
- Finished up the quilt top and back
- Did all my laundry!


  1. Love the quilt top! What kind of beige fabric is that? And I LOVE that yellow fabric!!

  2. the quilt is going to be so darling!! i think that straight line quilting would be cool on this. i'm sure it will be amazing no matter what though. :)

    the strawberries look so yum! we just had strawberry shortcake last week.

    speaking of white thread....i'm out and have been using my gray on my 3X6 blocks. i hope no one's not like you can see it. i am finishing up my last block today! yay!

    i'm taking next quarter off so i can focus on shop stuff, but i hope to do the 4th.

    have a great day! :)


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