
Sunday, July 25, 2010


Red Velvet, originally uploaded by jenib320.
Made a batch of Red Velvet Cookies today! These are turning into my favorite cookie!

DSQ9, originally uploaded by jenib320.
Finished the other side of my DQS9 quilt! I am relieved to have both sides finished.

Coasters, originally uploaded by jenib320.
Whipped up a few coasters from vintage sheet scraps :)

Kaffe Fassett, originally uploaded by jenib320.
Found some Kaffe Fassett at JoAnns today!


  1. those cookies are calling my name! yum! and what is that print the dish is sitting on? fabric or paper?...i just love it.

  2. aww such a fantastic collection of colours. dqs9quilt? i'll have to look that up, i have no idea what it means. followed you here from yard sale snoop.


  3. I love all the colors! I'm a new follower, just found your blog today. I'm excited to follow along :)

  4. Hi Jeni,
    I've set up the blog, but I used it for a school presentation today, so I'm going to delete everything from it and then I'll send you the link info.

    If you get this message, please drop me a line at

    Thank you again for agreeing to work some of your design magic on it. I've always thought that In Color Order is one of the most beautiful blogs I've seen. I love the bold colours on the white background. Did you notice we spell colour the British way in Canada?

    Bye for now,


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