
Sunday, November 14, 2010

Catch up

Vintage Quilt, originally uploaded by jenib320.
Today I finally hung up the vintage quilt I thrifted last spring!

Patchwork Apron, originally uploaded by jenib320.
Finished up my apron! I am really happy with the result. The base pattern is from I Love Patchwork and the fabric is Domestic Diva and some Kona. Now I need to bake cookies and use it! :)

Thrifting, originally uploaded by jenib320.
It was a good weekend of thrifting! Pyrex has still been extremely scarce, but the linens are coming out of the woodwork!

Vintage Sheets!, originally uploaded by jenib320.
Found lots of vintage sheets!

Baking, originally uploaded by jenib320.
Baked some yummy cookies this week.

George, originally uploaded by jenib320.
For some reason George was sleeping facing the back corner of his box. Silly rabbit!

Today I love the..
Smell of: Fresh Air
Sound of: Harry Potter 7 audio book
Taste of: Beef stew + mashed potatoes!
Sight of: Semi-clean apartment
Feel of: George bunny

Good Things about Today:
- Got my grocery shopping done!
- Set up a dedicated shipping station.
- Cleaned up a bit!
- Finally put up more fabric for swap!


  1. It feels so good when things are finally done. Why do we put them off? I do not know, maybe George does!

  2. that is a great pile of sheets...i love love the vintage quilt you have hung up. i love quilts on the wall

  3. I LOVE that little vintage quilt you hung on your wall. What a great find!

  4. ha, i love george in that one. I just mentioned to my husband the other day that we should get a rabbit. Unfortunately we both thought it wouldn't be the best idea seeing as though we have a very bunny loving Beagle! ha


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