
Saturday, May 14, 2011


Vintage Summer, originally uploaded by jenib320.
Somehow posting got away from me! Graduation was last weekend and then I had to serve jury duty all last week. Between that and Blogger going on the fritz, it just didn't happen! That and the shop has been crazy! Thank you so much! :)

I dressed the futon last week for summer! My newly finished Dream On quilt is perfect to go with my vintage sheet pillows!

!!!!!!, originally uploaded by jenib320.
I finally took the plunge and sewed with knits, making myself my first top! I used the Kyoko Misses pattern by Patty Young (Modkid). It was fantastic! I want to make a million of them!

Mini Quilt, originally uploaded by jenib320.
Since I graduated on Sunday, we decided to celebrate Mother's Day this weekend. I made this mini quilt for my Mom!

Cathrineholm!!, originally uploaded by jenib320.
My parents gave me this unused-in-the-box vintage Cathrineholm Fondue set for graduation! I have been pining after it for years. It has been at a local antique mall forever! :)

Thrifting, originally uploaded by jenib320.
Still finding tons of great sheets!

Pink, originally uploaded by jenib320.
I have been taking daily Macro shots for MacroMay.

George, originally uploaded by jenib320.
George :)

Today I love the..
Smell of: Rain
Sound of: Pushing Daises
Taste of: Chinese food
Sight of: New leaves on the trees
Feel of: Cool fan

Good Things about Today:
- Found a few things at a rummage sale!
- Working on a new quilt project with my Mom!
- Harry Potter 7
- Pancakes for breakfast!


  1. Congratulations on your graduation! Any big plans in the near future?

    I absolutely love your vintage sheet quilt and pillows - looks fantastic for spring!

    Enjoy your freedom from school - its lovely until the working world closes in on you haha.

  2. Love all the stuff you've been doing... and I've missed my George fix!

    Congratulations on your graduation! Having to serve on jury duty wasn't much of a graduation present but... thank you for doing so!

  3. Graduation! That must feel great. Congratulations.

    PS I have that same fondue pot, but in the awful mustard/beige colour.

  4. Darn, images aren't showing so I can't see your shirt. I'm so curious! P.S. Images aren't your fault. Flickr or Blogger is doing something crazy.

  5. Wow I wish I could find tons of great sheets. They have certainly dried up in our area.

  6. Happy graduation! :-) I love the little mini quilt that you made for your mom, so cute!

  7. you hve a very happy blog. Thank you for your cheerful spirit!

  8. actual tears in my eyes as i look at your beautifully dressed futon and that amazing catherineholm. ahh. i've never been lucky enough to find one in my vintage hunting adventures. someday. :) congrats on the graduation! such an amazing feeling, isn't it?!

  9. i love your dream on quilt so much and your single girl pillow... my fave!

  10. Congratulations on your graduation! I so adore your dressed up futon..the cushions and quilt are so sunny and bright! You are a talented girl.

  11. Turkish Underwearing desing
    If you wisit me , I will be glad:)

  12. Congrats on graduating!! Love,adore,want that Dream On bed set up you have there!!!! So GORGEOUS!!!!

  13. Congratulations on your graduation!!! And thank you for all the amazing pictures! That fondue set must be the most beautiful in the world!!!

  14. Congratulations on graduating! How exciting.

    I love the quilt you made for the futon and the pillows are just gorgeous. So bright and sunny. I want something like that for my bedroom.

    I don't know how you find all these great sheets. Maybe I'm just not out there looking enough at the right places!

  15. Congratulations on the graduation, Jeni! I love the dressed futon.

  16. Congratulations on your graduation!!!!


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