
Thursday, May 19, 2011


Thread!, originally uploaded by jenib320.
When I was taking out the garbage this afternoon, I noticed a BIG bag filled with thread next to the chute! Of course I had to take it with me! It was full of thread. Well over 100 spools. Mostly Coats & Clarks, and mostly on plastic spools so it can't be too old. I usually buy Gutterman, but I'm not about to turn away free thread!

Patchwork, originally uploaded by jenib320.
Working on a jane market tote for a friend.. :)

Thrifting!, originally uploaded by jenib320.
Had another great day of thrifting! The shop is stocked full of new prints and more Rainbow Scrap Packs! :)

Thrifting, originally uploaded by jenib320.
Picked up this lot of sheets over the weekend at a rummage sale! It's been vintage sheet craziness around here!

George, originally uploaded by jenib320.
George :)

Today I love the..
Smell of: Chicken Korma
Sound of: That 70s Show
Taste of: Naan
Sight of: The sun!
Feel of: Cool evening air

Good Things about Today:
- Doctor's appointment went well.
- Pancakes for breakfast!
- Thrifting with my Mom!
- Skyping with a favorite friend :)


  1. I just love that George.....and....what an amazing find!!!!'. Can you in your wildest dreams imagine throwing out all that thread...and what luck for you to be the one that found it!!!!!! Yea for you!!!

  2. nice score on the thread! :)

  3. Wow! I love to find things like that! Who would throw away thread?

  4. That's crazy! How lucky that someone left it there. Maybe a neighbour knows that someone in the building sews? Either way, that's awesome!
    You have such good luck finding vintage sheets! I've only ever found one or two when I go thrifting.

  5. Rad! I too inherited free thread. Lots of it. Mine is on wooden spools. Is there something wrong with old thread that I should be aware of?

  6. All that thread looks fantastic!

  7. um, wow! how cool is that by garbage chute? some things are just meant to be! :)

  8. Yum! Any chance I could buy those pink plaid and aqua plaid sheets as a whole piece? A dream backing for a couple of quilts I've got planned. Just email me either way. :) Thanks!

  9. dude, what a great score! you have the best luck thrifting....all we got around these parts are horrid 80's sheets! lol

  10. Free is always great. I use coats and clarks most of the time but really enjoy Gutterman. I am so jealous of your thrifting trips.

  11. What an amazing find! Who on earth would throw away so much thread??

  12. Your posts, and especially George pictures, make me happy! I'm looking forward to meeting you at the Summit this fall!

  13. I already commented on flickr about your thread pics--can I print and frame them and put them in my sewing room?

  14. OMG, the thread fairy visited you. Wow, she visited Katie of Sew Katie Did too. You are both so lucky. Me next!!!

    Have a great weekend, Jeni.

  15. I love your blog. The colours are amazing. And you know what, even with all the beauty going on in your blog, my favourite thing....

    ... is reading to see when you mention George! He is adorable, I love to see where he is.

    Have a great weekend -



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