
Friday, July 1, 2011


Favorites by jenib320
Favorites, a photo by jenib320 on Flickr.
1. purple patchwork, 2. Kinda Herringbone 5, 3. Triangles, 4. spicing up the kitchen rug!, 5. seaglass quilt top, 6. single girl - it's a wrap!, 7. solids group 1, 8. Silent Cinema Quilt, 9. Scrap strips

Every week I go through my favorite photos on Flickr, and choose nine sewing/quilting related projects to showcase here. These photos and projects are not my own, you can find the original images and creators by clicking the coordinating links! If for any reason you do not want your project featured here, please email me and I'll remove it!

Happy Friday!


  1. Wow - what a great selection! I'd already spied the single girl on Katy's blog - it really is awesome with all that purple!

  2. LOVE the scrappy squares! This is the first one I've seen that separated each block and I kinda like it. I've got to add "scrap vomit" to my list. :)

    Jeni--any chance you might do a post on fabric selection for the Farmer's Wife Quilt Along? *nudge nudge, hint hint* :) I really want to join up, but am very uncertain where to start with fabric choices. I've seen some amaaaaazing blocks, and would like to go down that same road. Thanks! :)

  3. Love the scrappy strips! Thank you for sharing these photos.

    Have a super great sewing and stitching day.

  4. So, is it bad if I totally copy you and make a duffel bag? I mean, who wants a boring black suitcase when you could have a fabulous duffel bag! Great idea!!

    P.S. Goes with a homemade makeup roll ;)

  5. Wow! I am flattered! You included my seaglass quilt top! I am often admiring your quilts, and I love your blog! Thanks!


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