
Monday, December 19, 2011


Finished Tova by jenib320
Finished Tova, a photo by jenib320 on Flickr.
Eeeee! I got a jump start on one of my goals for 2012, to try sewing myself some clothes! Today I finished this top! It's the Tova pattern by Jenny Gordy of Wiksten patterns. I have admired this pattern from afar for a long time. I have a commercial top similar in style that I love, so I was immediately drawn to it.  I resisted because I assumed it was too difficult for me to tackle, and the price tag is quite a bit more than I usually spend on patterns.  After seeing all the beautiful Tova tops that Ashley made, I had to have it!  The other day they were in stock (they go fast!), and I went for it and bought one. 

A Start by jenib320
A Start, a photo by jenib320 on Flickr.
I have a gorgeous woven blue gingham that Amanda picked up for me this past year, but knew better than to use it on the first go round. I ended up with this brown chambray from Joanns.  I wanted the muslin to be cheap, but still wearable if it turned out okay! I went about the pattern in a rather slow way. I traced the pattern pieces on easy pattern material (looks and feels like interfacing) and made sure to read each step at least a few times before doing any sewing! Plus, LOTS of pinning.

WIP by jenib320
WIP, a photo by jenib320 on Flickr.
I was surprised by how quickly and easily it all came together. There are some scary things you have to do in this pattern! Plackets, insets, cuffs, sleeves, a collar!  Honestly though, I never really felt like I couldn't do it after I read the pattern through. There are clear photographs to accompany the instructions which are really helpful. Many of these things I was doing for the first time, and I think I only used my seam ripper once on some top stitching I wasn't happy with! I don't have a serger, so I just zig-zagged all my seams!

Finished Tova by jenib320
Finished Tova, a photo by jenib320 on Flickr.
The details in this top are fantastic, and I look forward to making many, many more!

Finished Tova by jenib320
Finished Tova, a photo by jenib320 on Flickr.
The sizing for this top was great. I ended up sewing a small based on my measurements and I think I will make it just the same with no alternations for the next one! Don't let the high(er) price of this pattern deter you. I got to thinking about it while finishing it up, you really do get what you pay for sometimes. That doesn't mean you can't sew beautiful things from inexpensive patterns or that you can't sew terrible things from expensive patterns. Plus, knowing you're supporting an individual artisan is pretty cool!

Finished Tova by jenib320
Finished Tova, a photo by jenib320 on Flickr.
Here's to more garment sewing in my future! :)


  1. Lovely! Makes me want to make one too!

  2. Fabulous!! I love seeing the different versions of this pattern popping up all over.

  3. It looks great! I was also deterred by the high price for the pattern, but it does make a lovely top with great details. And I love the fabric you chose for your "muslin."

  4. Nice job, Jeni! I love it. Sizing didn't go so well on my first and I made it too big. I have been too busy to try again!

  5. I LOVE IT!!! Well done. You are brave. :)

  6. Wow, it's beautiful! Great job. I am starting to venture into some trickier things, too. I am trying to sew my niece (and her doll) matching pajamas for Christmas. I have a pattern for her, but for the doll, I just confidently said, "I can wing it." Ha, we'll see...

  7. Oh how I wish I had time to be making clothes...esp. for my two girls. Id prefer to dress them that way.
    I love your blog...its just chock full of inspiration and color:)
    Merry Christmas!

  8. it really looks lovely! I learned garment sewing first - and really, once you learn the basics (sleeves, collars, etc) you can do whatever you want! You are talented! I am not surprised at all how well this turned out! Now I need to go buy the pattern. Maybe this is the top I need for my Joel Dewberry...

  9. Great job!! This looks very well made, like you got it right off the rack. Garment sewing is one of my to dos for 2012. I have been to afraid and this coming year I have vowed to not be afraid and to just do it! Again great job!

  10. Dear Jeni - I love it! You are inspiring me to start my Amy Butler top - right after the 25th - when things quiet down a bit!!!

  11. Awesome- fantastic job and you look beautiful in it :) I am scared to make myself clothes- maybe I'll have to try :) thanks for your insight!

  12. after seeing you and ashley sew this, i really want the pattern. i am going to do an apparel 101 class in January. i feel it might be out of my league!. but i do love it so. yours is lovely.

  13. oh my gosh! i love that top!!! you did a FANTASTIC job on it! :) like you, i have a top in my closet that's similar that i really like...i love how you rose to this challenge ! it really paid off! :) you have inspired me! :)

  14. again...eeps! what size did you make for yourself?


  15. I love this top Jeni.
    You did an awesome job.
    When I started to teach myself sewing in 2006 I made clothes for myself.
    It was really fun but I stopped because you always need such a big amount of fabric for one piece.
    I can't wait to see all the other "Tova's" in the future !!

  16. It's awesome Jeni!!! I keep saying I'm going to sew myself some clothes and still haven't done it. I may have to grab this pattern when it's back in stock.

  17. I love your top! It looks fabulous on you and I love the lovely detail photos as well.... Sounds like a great pattern.

  18. I think your fabric choice was perfect, it completely suits you!!

  19. Congrats on learing all those new garment sewing things! It looks really good on you!

  20. hey you little cutie. beautiful beautiful top! It looks great on you and that chambray is perfect!!! Sometimes I wish we had a joanns around here. I'm glad you took pics of you wearing the top, it's really pretty on you. :)

  21. It's so gorgeous! I love the fabric you chose! I had no idea JoAnn carried this fabric, I'm gonna look for some to make some tops!
    I love your style of sewing and how you make it sound practical and simple! Some blogs kinda go over the top and end up making the process sound difficult! :)

  22. Wow so impressive! I bought some fabric and a pattern but have not had the courage to start. Sounds like a good 2012 goal. Thanks for the inspiration.

  23. i love it jeni! it looks great on you and your review of the pattern was really good too! i have wanted that pattern!

  24. Jeni it's gorgeous! And you look gorgeous wearing it :)

  25. The top is so lovely! And it really fits and suits you well! I especially love the slightly darker topstitching, such a simple but effective and lovely detail!

  26. I love your new top, Jeni! It looks awesome, and you look so cute in it. Well done!!

  27. Oh my gosh, it is SO cute! GREAT job, Jeni!

  28. Hi, would you mind telling me your approximate height and weight? I'm trying to get a more practical idea of what size to choose before taking the plunge!

  29. Hello from Turkiye:):)I love the model and also the fabric.You seem wonderful,Great Job!!!


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