
Sunday, May 20, 2012

George Bunny Videos!

It's been a long time since I posted any George videos on here, and I've been able to take a few cute ones lately! I was so excited to get another video of him running around and washing his ears! It can be hard to catch him at it. As soon as he sees the camera he stops! Enjoy! :)

Happy Bunday!


  1. So cute!! Hope he's getting used to his plastic flooring.
    Happy Bunday to you :))

  2. Thank you for the lovely videos! George is so adorable! Have a very nice Bunday, you too!

  3. Awe... I love George. He is so sweet.
    Thanks for sharing him and your amazing creations with us.

    Your blog posts always make me smile.

    Take care,

  4. He's so adorable! I wish my buns would keep their cages as neat.. ;)

  5. i just watched all three with my daughter two times! she kept saying, "i wish we had a pet bunny!"

  6. Jeni, Thank you for posting these videos. Your bunny had me smiling after a long hard day. Just what I needed. He is adorable. I am sure he brings you lots of joy! Happy Bunday!!

  7. We had a house trained bunny for 7 years, back in the 1970s. They have far more personality than people realize. So nice to see the bunny videos.

  8. George is so cute. I love seeing him at the end of your posts.
    quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

  9. Jeni,
    I absolutely love George!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love these videos!!!!!!!!!!! you made my day!!!!

  10. george!!!!! i love the one of him cleaning his ears!!!!

  11. I hope you know how much joy your pictures of George (and now, videos!) bring. I watched them last night and they're just precious. My five dogs would kill a bunny in a heartbeat (they've killed several wild cottontails on our morning walks) so I have to enjoy a bunny vicariously. :) I still have my stuffed animal (Jack...the rabbit) which is now about 30 years old. Bunnies have long been my favorite. Thanks for sharing George!

  12. I have the opposite problem when trying to take pictures of my Netherland Dwarf - he won't hold still :)

  13. Awwwwww too cute. My kitty was keeping his eye on George in that last video. I was afraid he was going to attack my laptop screen.

  14. Harrington and Hannah send nose bonks to cousin George. So sweet!


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