
Monday, October 1, 2012

Half-Square Triangle Block of the Month: October

Half-Square Triangle Block of the Month October Quilt Block Tutorial - In Color Order
Welcome to the Half-Square Triangle Block of the Month! For each month in 2012, I'll present a quick tutorial for a traditional quilt block using half-square triangles (HST)! It's going to be a lot of fun, feel free to join in at any time! For past posts see here.

Happy October! Today I'm sharing with you the tenth block of our block of the month series! Can you believe we only have two months left? This year has flown by!

Traditional Method:
- (8) 4" squares from background fabric (white)
- (2) 4" squares from print fabric (yellow)
- (2) 4" squares from second print fabric (green)
- (2) 4" squares from third print fabric (turquoise)
- (2) 4" squares from fourth print fabric (navy)

Alternative Method:
- (4) 6" squares from background fabric (white)
- (1) 6" squares from print fabric (yellow)
- (1) 6" squares from second print fabric (green)
- (1) 6" squares from third print fabric (turquoise)
- (1) 6" squares from fourth print fabric (navy)

1. Assemble your half-square triangles using either the traditional method, or the alternative method. Press seams open.

2. Trim your HSTs to 3.5" square.

3. Arrange your HSTs as shown in the image above.

4. Sew your HSTs into four rows. Press seams in alternating directions.

5. Sew your four rows together, pinning where the seams match up. Press seams open. Trim block to 12.5" if necessary.

Voila! You're done! :)

If you create a block using this tutorial I hope you'll add it to the flickr group!

Happy Sewing!


  1. Hi Jeni! I just want to say thank you for doing these tutorials. I am new to sewing and quilting. They have been extremely helpful. I have enjoyed your photos on instagram as well. You have taught me so much! I have been to thrift shops for vintage sheets even! I wish you lived in Austin so I could take a class from you! Thanks again. Your blog is my FAVORITE!

  2. 10 blocks and 2 to go, how is that possible? Just watching and enjoying from the sidelines and making a mental note to try them all out if life ever settles down!

  3. wow only 2 more to go, I am so excited : ) I am also working on the giant star quilt, by the end of the year I will have 2 quilts thanks to your great tuts.

  4. This is great, jeni,, hop over to my blog and see my Fri and Mon post, I think you will approve.. LOL

  5. So THAT'S how people are making those cool chevron quilts! I thought it was some kind of parallelogram or rhombus or some other scary shape from geometry class long, long ago...

    I just took a class with Kaye England a couple of weeks ago and learned how to use her Cut for the Cure specialty rulers from Nifty Notions to cut HSTs, QSTs, half rectangles, etc. all from the same strip without having to do the yucky triangle math:

    So even though I have only been lurking on your HST BOTM, I may have to go back and revisit some of the older posts now that I'm more confident about those triangles!

  6. i have enjoyed each and every block but this one may be my new favorite!! Happy October...thanks so much!!!

  7. This is Awesome! Thanks for posting this!

  8. This one is my favorite!


  9. CHEVRONS? Seriously, you're the best!

  10. This is the one I like the best. Thank you!


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