
Friday, May 10, 2013


Favorites by Jeni Baker
Favorites, a photo by Jeni Baker on Flickr.
1. IMG_2564, 2. bangles quilt front, 3. Apfelsina, 4. Giant Scrappy Dresden Plate Quilt, 5. the last 50 stars are done! next up is adding borders., 6. do_Good-Feb-Finished-Main-ImFeelinCrafty, 7. Kaleidoscope complete!, 8. Bloom Bloom Pow - done, 9. briar rose strawberry patch

Every week I go through my favorite photos on Flickr, and choose nine sewing/quilting related projects to showcase here. These photos and projects are not my own, you can find the original images and creators by clicking the coordinating links! If for any reason you do not want your project featured here, please email me and I'll remove it!

Happy Friday!


  1. I always look forward to your favourites ; )

  2. Oh thanks for loving our February Do Good Stitches/Nuture Group Quilt!!

  3. Jeni, Thank you so much for highlighting my Kaleidoscope! I'm so flattered!

  4. Thanks for including our Nurture quilt! Awesome! I'm honored and I'm sure my whole group will be too!



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