Happy Tuesday! Hope you all had an enjoyable weekend! I spent some time on Sunday sewing up a just-because project. It was nice to take a little break from have-to sewing. Aneela has been turning out all kinds of cute new patterns, and asked if I'd be interested in sewing some up! These storage boxes were made from her Pull Out Boxes Pattern, and I have a few other projects to share soon too!

When I saw these little boxes, I was really excited! I love little storage chests, with drawers for small things. I have a little Hello Kitty set of drawers that I keep cute post-its, stickers, and stamps in. So, these storage boxes are right up my alley.

I will admit, I was a little hesitant when I noticed these called for heavy weight interfacing, like Peltex. Peltex is a thick, stiff interfacing, and we have not gotten along in the past. But, armed with my Janome 1600P, I was ready to try using Peltex again. You only sew through it in a couple places anyways, so I was willing to give it a go. I'm happy to report I had no problems at all! It went great, and the interfacing really gives these boxes so much structure. I'm glad I powered through!

I made the large size for both of my boxes. I used prints form the Pinkest Angle colorway of Geometric Bliss for these. For the first one, I used Radical Blooms Blush for the outside, and Cuboid Colbalto for the tray.
For the second set I used Poppie Coordinates Petal for the outside, and Polygons Bulbinella for the tray. I used Aurifil #2024 for all the stitching!

I think these boxes turned out really cute, and they were very satisfying to make. I'm excited to fill them up with treasures! And perhaps make a few more, they look so fun stacked up!
Happy Sewing!
I just bought this pattern the other day....nice to read a review about them....makes me eager to try it, but sadly that is going to have to wait till all my holiday sewing is out the way...sighs!
Oh this is perfect! I think this would be great to keep small scrapp\s in them or even small pre-cut scraps (like all my 2 1/2'' squares!)