
Saturday, June 6, 2015

My First Sweater

Inland Cardigan
I can't believe I knit a sweater. Mostly because I never thought I would have any desire to do so. Before I started knitting I didn't have that much understanding as to why you would want to knit one. It seemed like the work, time, and money it would take just couldn't be worth it. It's funny because I'm sure that's how many non-quilters feel about quilting! I had little/no interest in it until a couple of months ago. Having knit plenty of hats, cowls, and a couple shawls, I was itching for another challenge. And that's how I decided on knitting a sweater.

Inland Cardigan
After consulting with my knitting gurus, Amanda + Jacey, I decided on the Inland Cardigan (from Journey) by Jane Richmond for my first sweater. It fit the bill perfectly: classic style, bulky weight yarn, and it's a cardigan, which made fit less of an issue. I used Malabrigo Mecha in Plomo. It's gray, I knew it would be super cozy, and I already knew it wasn't itchy (for me).

Inland Cardigan
I have to admit, I had a blast knitting this. It did take a while, but not as long as I thought. And there were long stretches where I wasn't able to work on it. Even with those breaks, it only took a little over 3 months to make. Not too bad! It was exciting working on something a bit more challenging and brand new. I did raglan increases for the first time, alternating skeins on the body and in the round on the sleeves, successfully used magic loop, and learned to make button holes! I definitely made some mistakes along the way, and it's not perfect, but that's okay. I made it!

Inland Cardigan
A few days ago, when I knew I was getting very close to finishing, I went ahead and ordered yarn for another sweater. I couldn't help myself! I'm addicted now! I chose the Harvest Cardigan by Tin Can Knits. I'm using Tosh Vintage in Moonstone (my favorite colorway!). I'm hoping to swatch for it this weekend.

Inland Cardigan
I will have to wait until the Fall to wear this sweater, but I am so proud of myself for making it. I feel like a real knitter now! For more info see my Ravelry.


  1. You're getting better and better at knitting. Love your sweater, it looks amazing on you ;)

  2. Wow! So much better than my first (and only) sweater

  3. Wow, that is a beautiful sweater! Great job. I don't knit, and probably never will - i'll stick to sewing. :)

  4. Wow! I am so impressed and somewhat jealous because I haven't broken down and bought yarn for my first sweater yet. :) Wading through patterns and just picking one to start is the hardest part for me. I bet it will be wonderful in September to pull this out, ready to go. Congrats!

  5. Love it! Sweaters are my favorite. I have probably 100 in my Ravelry queue. Malabrigo is dreamy stuff - perfect for June. ;)

  6. Great job - your sweater is gorgeous!!

  7. Beautiful! Knitting is definitely addicted, I jumped on the bandwagon years ago. I do go through spurts, but I always have a knitting project going even if it's just socks!

  8. I am a very novice knitter so some of this is Greek to me, but your sweater is absolutely beautiful! Congratulations!

  9. really lovely! I love knitting but have not yet done much with patterns... I love your sweater, the colour and fit! and the buttons, great choice! how fun! (added you to my ravelry!) :)

  10. It is awesome. I am a quilter, not a knitter so i can relate to your state of mind... But the sewater looks so good, i must say it would not take much for me to take on knitting... Have to restrain myself. So many crafts, so little time! Congrats on this great finish.

  11. Way to go! Finishing a sweater is such an accomplishment! Enjoy your journey with sweater number 2!

  12. You are so talented! Your sweater is just beautiful.

  13. way to rock the sweater kitting! I will definitely want to steal this from you!

  14. I'm working on Harvest right now! If you decide to do the crochet provisional cast on I'd recommend chaining loosely or using a bigger hook than is strictly necessary to make picking up stitches easier. Other than that its a really straightforward knit.

  15. Congratulations ! I can remember the feeling and it was wonderful. This is a great accomplishment.

  16. Wow! That's great for a first sweater. I'm still stuck on socks. A sweater is a big commitment and I'm not sure if I'm ready for that yet.

  17. Great job on your first sweater! It's beautiful :)

  18. Pretty cool! Just remembered my first (and last so far) sweater- most horrendous thing ever, but I wore it!

  19. That's not an easy sweater! You did a great job.

  20. I'm super impressed. Knitting isn't something I've tackled yet, at least not successfully, but your cozy sweater is inspiring me to try again.

  21. Looks wonderful! I've been knitting for ten years and yet to tackle a sweater - maybe I should!


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