
Tuesday, September 1, 2020

August Monthly Report

Happy September! It's time for August's monthly report. See past reports here.

The weather has finally started to break and it is making me feel more like sewing. It's been incredibly hot here the last two months which has made it tough to find the motivation to have the iron and sewing machine running! That being said, I actually sewed quite a bit this month. No big finishes to show for it (except one quilt that I'll share soon), but progress is being made so that's good.

These pretty Dreamin' Vintage* half-square triangle rows are now a finished quilt top, yay!

I made some more masks! I used this tutorial: Fabric Face Mask with Ties

I picked up some knitting this month too! I've been working on these color work mittens, just have the linings left. Need to get a move on these so that I can wear them this Fall. They're living in one of my favorite (project size) drawstring bags I've made.

Bag pattern: Lined Drawstring Bag Pattern
Mitten pattern: Sweet Nectar Mitts

With the heat and my arthritis flare-up this Summer, I've been sewing in the dining room the last few months. This meant my sewing room got neglected and was really turning into a mess. I spent some time this month cleaning it up and getting it organized again. Hoping I can move back upstairs sometime this month. At least now it's ready for me!

To keep myself accountable for my stash goals, I track my yardage for fabric and yarn each month. Read more about how I track here. Here is how I did in August:

August Fabric
Used up: 1.5 yards
Brought in: 0 yards
Net: -1.5 yards
Year to date: -10 yards

August Yarn
Used up: 0 yards
Brought in: 0 yards
Net: 0 yards
Year to date: 0 yards

Not much fabric came in or out last month!

Last year I posted this artwork in a rather large ornate frame (see it in this post: Recent Thrifting Finds) that I thrifted for a few bucks. Well I finally got around to re-framing it! I love how it turned out. It's an original painting on an art store canvas, which is pretty cool. Glad I was able to rescue it from the thrift store!

I baked a cake for Michael's half Birthday in early August. My Mom used to bake half a cake for us when we were kids so I decided to surprise him with his own half cake. It's just a single layer cut in half and stacked. I made the coconut cake + coconut frosting from Smitten Kitchen Every Day*. It was tasty!

George the bun, always so cute.

Have a great month!

*Note: Any links marked with an asterisk in this post are affiliate links. This means if you click through and buy something, I make a small commission, at no extra cost to you.


  1. A half cake, what a great idea. I'm going to remember this!

  2. i love your monthly updates! ALL your work is so beautiful and i love your sewing room! happy september!

  3. Cute quilt
    Tidy room
    Cute adorable sweet George

  4. Your studio cleaned up nicely and what an improvement that new frame is for that sweet painting!!

  5. Your sewing room is so pretty and I always love seeing photos of George.

  6. What a beautiful difference that made -- to reframe that painting. That gives me an idea about an old painting I have in the closet. Thank you! I love your blog, even though I haven't commented before. Your projects are pretty and inspiring. Thank you again. Have a wonderful fall season.

  7. Forgot to tell you that we do the half-birthday celebration in our family too. Most of the folks have birthdays close to major holidays, so half-birthdays give us a separate time to gather.

  8. I really enjoy your updates and pictures of George - and the half cake is such a great idea! I just calculated that it is my husband's 1/2 birthday tomorrow. I'm going to make a 1/2 cake - thank you!

  9. The marigolds are beautiful, as well as, the cake and georgie too! I love the colors and everything-the knitting and the fact you share what you baked and the fact it is hot where you are at and you don't have a finished project to show-honest but positive. It is hot where I live as well and I am ready for cold weather. Thanks.


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