
Monday, November 9, 2020

October Monthly Report

Happy November! It's time for October's monthly report. See past reports here.

This month I finally cut out my next double gauze quilt! The blocks are done, I've layed it all out and the pieces are just waiting to be sewn up into a top. I love how it's coming together, just need to dedicate some time to getting the top finished.

Finally decided to use up this amazing plaid fabric by Denyse Schmidt. I picked up a fat quarter of it ages ago. It's from one of her older lines, New Bedford*. When it's not amoungst other fabrics from that collection it feels very Halloween to me! A drawstring bag with a bottom accent (variation in the expansion pattern) felt like a good way to use it.

Lined Drawstring Bag Pattern
Lined Drawstring Bag Expansion Pattern
Cotton Twill Tape

I worked on a few gifts for a friend this month, including this little Liberty pincushion. I will share the pouch I made for her later this month! This is one of the pincushions that can be found in my pattern: Snack Size Pincushion Pattern

To keep myself accountable for my stash goals, I track my yardage for fabric and yarn each month. Read more about how I track here. Here is how I did in October:

October Fabric
Used up: 3 yards
Brought in: 5.75 yards
Net: 2.75 yards
Year to date: -15.25 yards

October Yarn
Used up: 0 yards
Brought in: 0 yards
Net: 0 yards
Year to date: 0 yards

I actually bought fabric TWICE this month! Feels like a lot for me, even if it wasn't all that much yardage. I had to pick up some prints from Sarah Watson's new line Grasslands*. Her designs are some of my favorites, so a must purchase for me.

Did a little ice dyeing this month. I picked up a few white cotton bandanas and I finally got around to dyeing one up. I seem to always be dyeing tea towels. They're so handy to have around the house.

Two George photos this month, because why not! George loves to snuggle these days and he falls alseep on my lap and will stay for half an hour or so. Such a sweetheart.

Speaking of sleeping, when he gets really relaxed he'll flop over in the middle of the floor. He's so adorable :)

Have a Great Month!

*Note: Any links marked with an asterisk in this post are affiliate links. This means if you click through and buy something, I make a small commission, at no extra cost to you.


  1. Not SEW bad on your fabric purchases! I'll be looking forward to seeing that new double gauze quilt come together.

  2. Oh my goodness, George truly is a sweetie! One of my buns loves to be pet but haaaaaates to sit on my lap. My other bun doesn’t even like to be pet but I’m slowly breaking her down, haha!

  3. oh jeni, such a sweet post. thank you for sharing and your work is inspirational and george is such a gem. (-:

  4. Que linda sua sala de costura, seu bebê coelho também.


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