
Friday, November 29, 2019

Black Friday Pattern Sale

It's time for my annual Black Friday Pattern Sale! I'm making things easier for you and me by skipping the coupon code, patterns are already marked down. Save $2 on all patterns, except for the Lined Drawstring Bag Expansion Pattern (which is already on sale through the end of the year) and the cost saving pattern bundles.

Sale runs through Monday, December 2nd. Shop the sale here:

Thank you for supporting my small business this holiday season!

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Forage Grocery Tote Bag

Happy Wednesday! I was looking back through my monthly reports over the weekend and realized that I never shared this tote that I made at our little cabin retreat in August!

Along with the projects in progress that I took with me to Wisconsin this summer, I also took interfacing and handles already cut to size for a workshop tote. We all bring fabric, books, and notions that we want to share and pool them into a "free table" that we can all take from during the weekend. I knew I wanted to make something from the table, so I came prepared with the basics, but no fabric for this project!

Lucky for me, my friend Anna brought some of her Forage* fabrics! I found two cuts that were just right for the solid version of my workshop tote pattern.

Since I wasn't making handles (yay team webbing!), and I already had interfacing cut, it came together in a flash. These prints are so lovely, this bag really didn't need any extra details.

I love using these totes for grocery shopping. Connecticut recently passed a multi-stage ban on plastic checkout bags, and the first stage went into effect this summer. It was the perfect time to get really serious about having my reusable shopping bags with me! Here's a peek at how much you can fit in one of these. Plus there's still plenty of room left at the top for produce or eggs!

The deep gussets make this a really roomy bag. The tucking (one of my favorite techniques) on the corners gives it extra structure and makes it easier to fill.

See my video on this technique here: Using Tucks to add Structure to your Bag

As I mentioned, this is the solid tote option from my Workshop Tote Bag Pattern. You can find the pattern in my online shop here.

Happy Sewing!

*Note: Any links marked with an asterisk in this post are affiliate links. This means if you click through and buy something, I make a small commission, at no extra cost to you.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Recent Thrifting Finds

Happy Thursday! I thought it would be fun to do a round up of some of the things I've found thrifting for the last couple of months. I've been really striking gold lately!

First up, back in August I snatched up this vintage White sewing machine at my local goodwill. I almost didn't open up the case to see what was inside. I'm so glad I did! It was missing a bobbin case, but was only $15! I was able to find a bobbin case on etsy and with a little cleaning and oil, it's working just fine. It definitely needs more care, but I am glad I could save this machine!

I haven't been finding quite as many vintage sheets lately, but have still managed to find some really pretty ones.

It's been many years since I've found Cathrineholm at the thrift store, and I recently found this pan at a habitat for humanity restore. As you can see, it was in pretty bad condition, with a ton of baked on grime on the bottom. For $5 I decided to see if I could clean it up.

Ta-da! This is the pan after cleaning. It took a lot of elbow grease, but it looks so much better! I documented the entire cleaning process on my instagram stories (I saved them in a highlight, @jenib320), if you want to see the process. It pretty much just had to be scraped off.

Cute little tray I picked up for a few dollars.

I love vintage towels and when I saw this rainbow Disney one, I didn't hesitate to pick it up! So fun!

I have a deep love for painted metal, so this little metal toolbox was an exciting find for me. Oftentimes I find them with rust, but this one happened to be rust free!

I almost didn't grab this painting because the frame isn't my style. I do love the floral though, and it's an original. I plan to re-frame it and I think it will be quite cute! Bonus, my Mom is going to take the frame. I think she's going to spray paint it!

Lastly, old jars and a brown bottle. This is the kind of stuff I just can't leave behind. So good!

That's most of what I've found in the last few months. I was also lucky enough to find a women's carhartt work jacket that fits me, a big old orange cooler, and a few Christmas ornaments. I love thrifting! :)

Have a Great Day!

Thursday, November 7, 2019

October Monthly Report

Happy November! It's time for October's monthly report. See past reports here.

Hello there! It's good to be back in this space for my report and on the other side of my new pattern release. It took a lot out of me to get it finished up and out into the world! I'm excited that the rest of the year is pretty commitment free. It will be good to have time for personal projects and gift making, and time to reflect and think about next year. Thank you to everyone who has made the launch of my new pattern, the Lined Drawstring Bag Expansion Pattern, a success! Looking forward to seeing your bags pop up, be sure to tag me on Instagram (@jenib320) or send me an email with photos if you aren't on social media! :)

Of course most of the sewing I did last month was drawstring bags! Most of them I shared in my pattern details post (see here), but this one I made for my friend Brianne's birthday! She made me a knitting bag from this same canvas print, so I thought this way we could be matching. The print is from Imagined Landscapes* by Jen Hewett.

I dusted off my serger and finally made my first garment of 2019! I have not been pulled to make garments this year, but as soon as the weather turned I knew I wanted a new sweatshirt. This is my 5th hooded sweatshirt that I've made, and I love each one. I traced a favorite sweatshirt from the Loft to make a pattern and have tweaked it to be a perfect fit. This is my second one made with this incredible bamboo/cotton stretch sweatshirting from Imagine Gnats. This color is the Rose Brown and I really feel like it filled a gap in my wardrobe. I also have a cut of Heather Lake that I want to sew up soon.

The only other sewing I did this month was on my holiday quilt! It's a big mash up of stash and a bunch of leftovers from a bundle of Tinsel* by Cotton & Steel. I'm using the 2x4 quilt tutorial by Ashley of Film in the Fridge. I'm really hoping to get this one finished up in November so we can enjoy it this season!

To keep myself accountable for my stash goals, I track my yardage for fabric and yarn each month. Read more about how I track here. Here is how I did in October:

October Fabric
Used up: 7.5 yards
Brought in: 11 yards
Net: +3.5 yards
Year to date: -73.5 yards

October Yarn
Used up: 0 yards
Brought in: 0 yards
Net: 0 yards
Year to date: -426 yards

New flash! I actually brought in more fabric than I used up! This is the first time since January, so I'm going to cut myself some slack. Most of the yardage that I bought was a backing for my Christmas quilt. Plus fabric for a new ironing board cover (that I already stitched up!). Planning to buy little to no fabric the rest of the year so I think my negative numbers are pretty safe!

I did a little ice dyeing! I need to take photos of the finished pieces, plus some pieces I dyed over the summer. It's so fun, and so different compared to other dyeing I've done!

Shockingly the dahlias are still going. There are blooms opening on two, but I think the flowers will finally be done this Friday when our temps dip into the 20s. It's been such a rewarding season and I've loved filling our house with flowers. It will be lonely without them this winter!

George the bunny, catching some sun! He LOVES to sit in the sun, but doesn't get a lot of opportunity. He was running around the other afternoon and found this patch for a little bath and nap. His fur gets so warm and cozy.

Have a Great Month!

*Note: Any links marked with an asterisk in this post are affiliate links. This means if you click through and buy something, I make a small commission, at no extra cost to you.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Lined Drawstring Bag Expansion Pattern is HERE!
Happy Friday! The Lined Drawstring Bag Expansion Pattern is finally here! If you missed all the details about this pattern, check out this post. I can't wait to see what everyone makes with it!

Find it in my online shop here: Lined Drawstring Bag Expansion PDF Pattern

Happy Sewing!