It's time for the June monthly report. See past reports here.
I can't believe we're already halfway through 2021! I know things have been pretty quiet around here this year. Most of my posts have just been my monthly reports. I wish I could promise that more regular posting was right around the corner, but I'm not sure it is quite yet. It's been a tough year so far personally, and I'm just trying to keep my head above water lately to be honest. I know that I will feel better both physically and mentally, but it's just going to take some time. I still love blogging, but I've also become more private over the years so it's a bit of a balancing act. I actually have a good number of finished projects to share (including three quilts!), but haven't been able to take photographs of everything. Michael is going to help me try to get some photos this weekend hopefully. We'll see. Thanks for sticking with me through this lull in posting!
Most of my sewing this month was focused on this courthouse steps quilt made using fabric I've indigo dyed over the years. I made three or four blocks for this quilt last year but then let it sit. So this month I cut out all the pieces for the the remaining blocks, sewed all the blocks and got the top put together! I am now working on the backing, but it's almost done, just a few seams left. I'm excited to get this one done!
I haven't gotten an indigo dye bath going yet this summer, but hope to at some point. If you're interested in indigo dyeing, I have a post about it here: DIY Indigo Fabric Dyeing Tutorial
I made a few drawstring bags this month, including this strawberry inspired one! This is the snack size from my lined drawstring bag pattern. I got lucky and was able to use a set of extra strings that I made when I shot the video tutorial last year, bonus! It's finished off with some beads because why not. The strawberry fabric is by Heather Ross*, tie fabric by Carolyn Friedlander*, and unfortunately I don't know who designed the green accent fabric. Beads and pattern can be found in my online shop here:
Lined Drawstring Bag Pattern
Round Wooden Beads

I can now share this make from May, a bucket apron I made for my Dad for Father's Day! It fits around a 5 gallon bucket. I thought it would be useful in the garden, he can throw weeds in the bucket and keep tools in the pockets. I used leftover binding scraps from a quilt I made him a few years ago, paired with some plain canvas. I followed this tutorial with some adjustments.
I shared a similar shot of my double gauze quilt in my last post, but wanted to actually talk about it here. It's now finished and it got plenty of use on the couch last month! Just need to photograph it.
To keep myself accountable for my stash goals, I track my yardage for fabric and yarn each month. Read more about how I track here. Here is how I did in June:
June Fabric
Used up: 24 yards
Brought in: 2 yards
Net: -22 yards
Year to date: -40.75 yards
June Yarn
Used up: 0 yards
Brought in: 0 yards
Net: 0 yards
Year to date: -1823 yards
Happy with my totals this month! I finished a quilt along with a few other small projects. I also shared a decent stack of fabric with a friend, so all in all a good mix. I bought some Dana Cotton/Modal* knit fabric this month to make a few t-shirts! I made a t-shrit with it years ago and it has held up so well. Hopefully I don't let it linger too long. I haven't made any clothes in a long while. No yarn related finishes, but I have still been weaving and I picked up a languishing shawl project which has been fun to knit on again.
June was the month that I finally returned to the thrift shops!! I missed going so much. I love to buy secondhand and see what kind of treasures are waiting to be found. Here is a mix of a few things I've found in my first month back! No vintage sheets, but a few pillowcases. I can't leave behind this style vintage towel either, they're one of my favorite things to thrift. A few metal goodies for the sewing room and a little sewing chest of drawers that needs some serious TLC.
This month we also went to our first flea market here in CT which was fun. Picked up a record and some vintage ornaments. I absolutely love this style ornament so I was thrilled to add so many more to my collection. Can't wait to display them on our tree this year.
Have a great month!
*Note: Any links marked with an asterisk in this post are affiliate links. This means if you click through and buy something, I make a small commission, at no extra cost to you.