Happy New Year! Before we get too far into 2015, I wanted to at least do a quick reflection on last year. 2014 was full of opportunities, lots of hard work, and some fun. That's not to say it didn't have it's ups and downs.
First and foremost, we survived the polar vortex that hit in January and February. It even inspired a
quilt tutorial!
I also released seven
patterns this year! Working on patterns was my big focus this year, and I am glad that I was able to get so many in-progress patterns finished and out into the world.
I released two fabric collections this year,
Dreamin' Vintage and
Geometric Bliss! Every time a collection is released it becomes my new favorite. Keep your eyes peeled for a super duper giveaway coming soon!
I had a hard time choosing my favorite project from 2014, but I think I have to choose this
Sew Together Bag made in
Nordika. I use it all the time, and it was fun to make!
Lebron James came back to the Cleveland Cavaliers, which was pretty darn awesome for this Cavs fan! We were even able to attend some games!
I kept up my
knitting this year, not as much as I would have liked, but that's okay. I tried to challenge myself, and I am ready to start my first sweater this year.
George also sat on this giant ball of yarn. So ridiculous of him!
I had the opportunity to travel quite a bit this year, including just an hour away to New Glarus for another summer sewing retreat!
George was a bee for Halloween! The cutest bumble bun ever.
The end of 2014 was quite busy! We traveled home to Ohio to spend Christmas with my family. After the holiday we met some of Michael's family in the Caribbean for a week-long cruise. It was such a nice break for us.

Last but most certainly not least, Michael took me to the Cleveland Zoo before Christmas and proposed! Of course I said yes! It's a thrill to call him my
fiancé and wear my great-grandmother's ring :)
Here's to a wonderful and exciting 2015!