2025 Crafty Goals

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Happy Tuesday! Today I wanted to share my 2025 crafty goals. This post is going to be short and sweet, because I don't have many this year! I am anticipating my craft thing being pretty limited in 2025, so I want to keep my goals reasonable. I'm sprinkling in a couple of work goals too, because why not! We'll see what this year brings, I might not be able to complete any of these goals. Trying to be open to all the things that this year may hold.

My word for this year is PLAY. I want to play in my working, hobbies, and with my young daughter. I hope that bringing a playful spirit and attitude to even hard things will make this year better. Without further ado, my goals for this year:

2025 Crafty Goals

- Use up more yardage than I bring in for both fabric and yarn.

- Finish up 1 or 2 long-term projects in progress.

- Release 2 new patterns.

- Destash fabric and yarn I don't think I'll use.

- Make a mini Making Backpack.

- Host another quilt along! Hopefully things Spring, keep your eye out.

- Work on a pair of colorwork mittens.

- Try a new craft! I already have supplies to try out marbling, natural dyeing, weaving (with a simple flat loom), bleach dyeing, etc.

- Continue to experiment and make things with repurposed textiles.

- Finish a crochet project.

If you're looking for some advice for making crafty goals, I wrote a post about my general approach to crafty goals a few years ago, you can find it here: Tips for Making and Keeping Crafty Goals.

Happy Making!

My 2024 Garden and 2025 Garden Plans

Friday, February 7, 2025

Happy Thursday! Today I wanted to spend some time looking back on my 2024 garden and looking forward to my 2025 garden plans! See past gardening posts here.

In 2024 I started lots of things from seed: all of our tomato plants, pepper plants, strawflowers, marigolds, and a few other bits. I love starting my own seeds. It's a good excuse to start the season early, and I can choose exactly what varieties I want to grow! It's taken some trial and error to figure out a good setup but I feel pretty confident at this point.

On our driveway garden this year we kept things pretty simple. We grew four cherry tomato varieties (Sungold, Sunsugar, Cherry Bomb and Chocolate Pear) and three pepper varieties (Anaheim, Sweet Banana and Serrano). We also had our fig tree, dahlias, lantana and strawflowers. For the veg I was able to use all seed from the year before, which was nice! I needed to use some of them up. My favorite tomato is Sungold, which did well this year. The Chocolate Pear was one I'd gotten for free with a seed order a few years ago and just thought I'd try out. It ended up being a surprise hit! Very prolific and didn't crack. I put a bunch in the freezer for soups. Peppers did okay, the Serrano is always the most productive for us in containers and that didn't change this year!

For 2025 we're going to skip peppers altogether, we just didn't eat them much last year. For tomatoes we'll definitely grow sungold, but beyond that I'm not sure yet! I might try another new red cherry, or maybe a currant style tomato! I had a currant tomato in my community garden plot in Madison one year and it had SO much fruit. Might be fun to try that again.

My perennial patch in the front yard did really well again! We even had a little bunny visitor for a while.

On the topic of perennials, I started a bunch of Candytuft from see this year. We've had a white Candytuft plant for years and it's done super well. I was constantly seeing seed packets for a pink/purple/red Candytuft mix, but never plants. Finally I broke and bought a packet of seeds! They were really easy to start and soon I had some purple! I hope to start even more this year.

Of course I grew strawflowers last year. I ordered a wide mix of seeds from Select Seeds and they did fantastic! I think it was one of my best strawflower years. I planted them at the bottom of the dahlia patch on both sides and I was constantly picking flowers. I'll always have these in my garden. I'm hoping to use up leftover seed from last year in 2025.

Another thing I grow every year without fail is marigolds! I just love them, especially the giant ones! I've been growing the heirloom yellow Mission Giant Marigolds for a few years and in 2024 I discovered Burpee had a hybrid orange Mission Giant! I couldn't help myself, I had to try them out. Unfortunately they weren't quite up to par with the yellow. First off, the yellow are heirloom, so I can save my own seeds at the end of each season. The orange are hybrid, so they won't be true from saved seed. More importantly, they just weren't quite the same blooms as the yellow, many looked like a regular giant marigold, without the frilly Chrysanthemum style of the yellow. They also had really weak stems, near the bloom, so they were quite floppy. I really wanted to love them, but I'm going to stick with the yellow and a regular giant orange this year!

I think the biggest success in my garden in 2024 was my dahlia seedling patch! I started seeds from Floret Flowers called "Cancan Girls" that were all taken from their anemone breeding patch. The last few years of growing dahlia seedlings, I've really want to try getting some anemone style dahlias, but haven't had any luck. Well this packet of seeds hit it out of the park! I ended up with more anemone dahlias than I could save!! Above are a couple that I really loved. Hopefully the tubers survive their winter storage!

One new thing I tried this year in both the dahlia seedling patch and the main dahlia patch was Hortonova netting. You place a few different levels of netting horizontally for the plants to grow up into, instead of staking each dahlia individually or corralling them with twine. I was a bit skeptical that it would work, but it was AMAZING! Easy to install (especially with two people), held up my plants all summer/fall, and was easy to remove and save at the end of the season. I was honestly blown away. Very excited to use this in years to come!

The main dahlia patch got a real upgrade this season! Our neighbors got a chip drop and had extra, so I was able to mulch the entire dahlia patch with wood chips!! It was so nice and it really kept the weeding and watering to a minimum this season.

Overall this was not a good dahlia year for me. I'm not sure why exactly, but my patch struggled. I had a bunch of plants that barely bloomed or didn't bloom at all. I still had plenty of blooms, and a few fun new varieties too, so not a total loss!

I haven't bought any new dahlia tubers yet this year, and I may not buy any. I have such a great mix of tubers already, and I'm really enjoying growing seedlings too. I collected seeds from my patch (which I still need to process!) and will hopefully be starting some of those this year.

Megan Dean was probably my favorite new variety I grew last year, a beautiful white/purple.

The other new variety I grew was Blyton Softer Gleam, which was beautiful!

That's a wrap on my 2024 garden! My love for gardening continues to grow each year (haha!), and I can't wait to get out in the dirt again this spring.

Happy Growing!

2024 in Review

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Happy New Year! It's time to officially wrap up my creative year for 2024. This is my 16th year writing these wrap up posts, see previous years here.

This year was definitely different compared to years past! As the year went on (and baby girl dropped from 2 naps to 1!), I had less and less time to pursue creative endeavors. Despite this, I actually made more things than I initially thought. It wasn't until I sat down to start working on this post that I realized I actually made a lot of things this year. More than last year for sure! Certainly there have been stretches where I made more or less. I would say what I struggled this most with this year in terms of creativity was consistency. There were times where I would sew every day for weeks and others when I went weeks without sewing at all!

The overarching theme for my makes in 2024 was repurposing. I really enjoyed making things from my vintage sheet stash and other salvaged or thrifted materials. I made pouches from towels, bags from aprons, and a coat from a quilt! I look forward to continuing to experiment in this way in the future.

I didn't track my projects or yardage this year. I think I would like to at the very least keep a running list of finished projects in 2025, but we'll see. So instead of a rundown of everything I made in 2024, I'm just going to share my favorites! And check in with my goals at the end.

Time to look at some of my favorite projects from the year!

My favorite quilt finish: Soft and Subtle Vintage Sheet Plus Quilt

My favorite lined drawstring bag finish: Vintage Sheet Lined Drawstring Bags

My favorite bag finish: Upcycled Towel Zipper Bag

My favorite home decor finish: Ikea Poang Chair Slipcover

My favorite garment finish: Quilt Coat

My favorite craft finish: Dried Strawflower Wreath

My favorite knitting finish: Fuchsia Colorwork Mittens

My favorite thrift find: Thrifting a White Singer Featherweight 221K

This year I shared 7 free tutorials here on my blog and hosted two sew alongs:

- Plus Quilt Sew Along
- 2024 Lined Drawstring Bag Sew Along
- 2024 Stash Tracking Worksheet
- How to Quilt Wavy Lines with a Walking Foot (video!)
- Jeni's Best Chocolate Cookies
- Book Drawstring Gift Bag Tutorial
- Wreath Quilt Block Lined Drawstring Bag Tutorial
- Tips for Sturdy Lined Drawstring Bags
- Tie-Dye Twill Tape Tutorial

Let's check in with my 2024 Crafty Goals:

My #1 goal: When I do have time to make, spend most of that time playing. Work on whatever will make me the happiest in that moment.
I feel like I kept pretty true to this goal. Sometimes I got sidetracked by what I thought I "should" be working on, but for the most part I just made things for fun.

Try to use up more yardage than I bring in for both fabric and yarn. I'll track my yardage each month to help me stay on target. I'm less worried about this goal, I feel confident that my buying habits are in check after many years of tracking.
I did not track my yardage this year, but I didn't buy much. I only bought 3/4 yard of "new" fabric, and even that was from a 10 year old collection! I mostly brought in thrifted fabrics. I made one yarn purchase from Eat Sleep Knit during their black Friday sale, and just two skeins.

Finish up 1 or 2 long-term projects in progress.
I finished one long-term project, the Indigo June Baby Quilt. I also used up old leftovers to make the Leftovers Quilt and the Minny Muu Patchwork Baby Quilt.

Sew something with my vintage sheet stash.
Probably 75% of my sewing this year was with my vintage sheet stash! It really made me happy to work with my sheets again, so I leaned into it. I made three large throw size quilts, three baby quilts, a bunch of lined drawstring bags, a couple pillows and two chair covers.

Finish my colorwork mittens (I'm so close already, this should be a quick win!).
I finished these right away in the beginning of 2024! Hooray!!

Restart my art practice. This one is already in progress, I'm taking this class at the moment and feeling so inspired.
This was a big focus for me in the beginning part of 2024, but I ran out of steam a bit as the year went on.

Crochet more amigirumi.
Nope! Didn't work on any crochet amigirumi this year. I made some granny squares though!

That's all for now! I'll be back soon to share my 2024 garden wrap-up post and some 2025 crafty goals.

Happy Sewing!

Year End PDF Sale + January Break

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Happy Holidays! I wanted to pop in quickly to share that I'm having an end of the year sale on all my PDF patterns! An automatic discount of 24% will be added at checkout on all the PDF patterns in my shop, as a farewell to 2024. Sale starts today, 12/26/24 and ends on 12/31/24. Thank you for all your support in 2024!!

It was a challenging year and 2025 is looking to be no different. I've decided to do a hard reset and take the month of January away from social media and blogging. I'll be back in February with my 2024 wrap-up post, 2025 goals and a few projects that didn't get shared this year.

Happy Holidays! Happy New Year!