Happy June! Now that June is almost over, it's time to squeeze in May's monthly report. See past reports here.
I took a bit of an intentional break from posting here the last month. I didn't want to distract from the important conversations about racism and police brutality that our country is having right now. You can read more about how I feel in these two Instagram posts: here and here. I will be sharing more on my plans soon, but for now I just want to reiterate, Black Lives Matter.
May was a busy month over here. We planted all the seedlings I'd started this Spring, some as early as February! We did a lot of yard work, and unfortunately I worked myself into a pretty big flare-up of my arthritis that is still lingering. Hoping it goes away soon, but for now I've been sewing downstairs again. It's not so bad, especially now that it's hot. My sewing room is the hottest room in the house during the summer. Now I'm all set up in the dining room and trying to make progress on some projects.
I pulled out my Liberty churn dash blocks again. This is a very long term project and I've already stretched it out over several years. I'm making an entire quilt, but the block pattern (also made in lawn) can be found in my friend Christina's book, Quilting Happiness*.
Michael requested an apron for grilling, so I dug into my garment fabric stash and whipped this one up. It was really fast and he's already been getting a lot of use out of it. I used Essex Linen Yarn Dyed* in Black and some of the webbing that I carry in my online shop. You can find it here: 1" cotton webbing. I used this pattern by Purl Soho: Adjustable Apron Tutorial

I worked on a few small birthday presents this month, including this little mouse dress. I made my Mom a mouse just like this one a couple years ago (see her here), but I thought she could use some more outfits! I drafted this dress from some other doll dresses I have, but I highly recommend the stuffed mouse pattern. It's the Flora Mouse Pattern* by Jackie Michna. They turn out so adorable.
May Fabric
Used up: 1.5 yards
Brought in: 0 yards
Net: -1.5 yards
Year to date: +1 yards
May Yarn
Used up: 0 yards
Brought in: 0 yards
Net: 0 yards
Year to date: 0 yards

Continuing to play around with ice dyeing. I love dyeing cotton flour sack towels. They make good gifts and we love having a cupboard full of them too. Since they're small, they're a good way to experiment. Pretty happy with how this one came out. These are the towels I order.*
How cute is this radish we grew? We're missing our radishes that's for sure. Looking forward to planting more this Fall!

George is living the life as usual. So spoiled rotten, 24/7. He loves that we're home all the time. I think he wouldn't mind if we sheltered in place forever!
Take Care!
*Note: Any links marked with an asterisk in this post are affiliate
links. This means if you click through and buy something, I make a small
commission, at no extra cost to you.
Great blog post with so many ideas, but you know what I zoned in on? I saw the cutting mat beneath your machine. Why have I never put my smaller cutting mat beneath my sewing machine?? I mean, that simple idea is genius! I use my larger table-sized mat on my cutting table but often need to jump up to measure something quickly or to trim a dog ear or seam. If I put my smaller mat (which is tucked away in the closet) beneath my machine it would be so convenient. Genius, I tell you! Thanks for what may have been an unintentional hint.