April ended up being an interesting month. Each week there was a different thing that was shaking up our routine. I traveled to lecture twice last month, and my Mom came to visit one week! I think after this week my schedule will be a bit more normal. I'm hoping the weather will start cooperating too, it's been pretty dreary lately!
A huge thank you to all of you for making my April sales a success! I really appreciate your support! :)

I did a lot of sewing this month. I felt so motivated to sew, and I think I sewed most days. Lots of smaller projects, some drawstring bags and pouches. I recovered my bulletin board, which really needed it. I made a few more garments and cut out a few more. I've been pulling fabrics for quilts, and scheming for a Summer full of sewing.

Still not knitting much, but I did pick up my second Fiddlehead mitten again. Hoping to get into the habit of knitting each night, even if it's only a few rows. There are so many things I want to knit, I need to go busy! I do find I am less in the mood to knit when it gets warmer, but it's always nice to have a few projects going just in case!
To keep myself accountable I'm tracking my yardage for both yarn and fabric. Here is how I did in April:
April Fabric
Used up: 45.875 yards
Brought in: 19 yards
Net: -26.875 yards
Year to date: +17.875 yards
April Yarn
Used up: 0 yards
Brought in: 0 yards
Net: 0 yards
Year to date: -739 yards
I am feeling pretty good about how things went on the fabric front this month! I still brought more fabric in than I would have liked, but a lot of fabric went out the door too. A big chunk of what came in was six yards of a solid for a quilt background and two yards of white solid lawn to use for dress/bodice linings. Originally I wasn't planning on counting solids or true utility fabrics against my totals, but I changed my mind and included it. Other than that it was mostly garment fabrics and the fat quarters from my Quilty Box. I finished a bunch of projects this month, and also destashed some bundles which I counted as well. Chipping away at the big intake from last month!

For my other goals, I did alright this month! I finished my double wedding ring monthly goal, yesterday. I procrastinated, but it still got done so that's what matters. I'm just four wedges away from being halfway done! I made three garments this month including two new patterns, the Josephine Blouse and the Out and About Dress. I still haven't done much to get through my works in progress, especially some of the older ones. I need to focus on that in May.

I completed another month of Project 365: a photo a day using my DSLR camera.

George bunny is looking as cute as ever. He went to the vet this month for his check-up and got a clean bill of health!
Happy May!
I spy a Wiksten Tova?
ReplyDeleteYes! A sleeveless one this time around!