I love Succulents

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Succulent, originally uploaded by jenib320.

I am having a love affair with succulents. I don't know what it is about them, but they are just so appealing to me. They're easy to grow and don't mind being repotted and moved around. It all started a few years ago after coming across the beautiful arrangements done by Greenware Design. It started with a simple arrangement of my own done in similar style. Over the years I have collected many other plants but the vast majority of them are succulents. And now it has gone so far as to theft (not really!). I took a small start of a very cute blue succulent from the beach on vacation! Their ability to start from a small leaf or part with very little roots amazes me. I have saved a few cuttings from the sidewalks of campus.

I will be moving into my apartment this weekend. My Dad and brother will be at a tennis tournament this weekend so it will be pretty slow going. I am hoping to be moved in completely by Wednesday so that I have plenty of time to get everything unpacked and set up before school starts. This week is being spent cleaning, packing, and attempting to finish up the projects on my to do list. I am trying to get the paint involved projects finished first, which would be hardest to complete once I move. Shall be posting photos of these projects in the next few weeks!

Today I love the..
Smell of: Clean Laundry
Sound of: Friends Season 1
Taste of: Chicken Nuggets
Sight of: Bunny!
Feel of: Bunny!

Good Things about Today:
- Playing with George the Bunny
- Made progress on projects
- Made progress on packing
- Bobbie Kitty was being goofy today

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